CPF-Funded Language Courses

Quatre personnes souriantes à la réunion

Language courses using CPF

Make the most of your CPF account to learn a foreign language for free! It's so easy to do, we'll help you with all the procedures.

Our CPF training courses are available anywhere in France. If you want a face-to-face course you can come to one of our training centres. If you'd rather choose distance learning, you can do your course anywhere that has an internet connection!

1. Courses with e-learning

What are courses with e-learning?

This type of course combines independent e-learning preparation with trainer-guided practical application, fostering rapid language acquisition.

Who is it designed for?

Anyone who wants to improve their language skills can benefit from the efficacy and flexibility of this type of training course! Courses with e-learning allow you to fit your learning into your own work schedule and the sessions with a trainer are fixed at a time that suits you.

How are they structured?

These courses are divided into steps, each of which has 3 phases: the e-learning, a one-hour session with your trainer and consolidation exercises. Altogether each step lasts a total of 2 hours.

Les femmes sourient en prenant un appel sur son ordinateur

Individual lessons
On-line training exercises
Measured progression
Specialized trainers

More than 400 corporate clients and 17,000 satisfied learners
Ils sourient en se parlant

Individual lessons
Measured progression
Specialized trainers

2. Individual courses

What are individual courses?

Individual courses are designed to help learners, whether they are beginners or advanced, to develop their linguistic and professional skills.

What are their objectives?

This method is adapted according to the learner's level and the objectives they list in their needs analysis. The skills required for working in a foreign language are developed over time. Step by step, the learner acquires new skills and consolidates existing ones.

We have a training solution adapted to your needs

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Contact us

We speak English, French and Spanish.

3. Intensive weeks

What is an intensive week?

The five-day programme is carefully planned, including specific moments for monitoring improvement. Learners have contact with trainers from various Anglophone countries. Many different trainers participate in each intensive week and each one has a specific role to play in the varied and interactive activities that make up the course.

The activities are designed to improve knowledge of English, to increase self-confidence and the ability to speak more fluently through working on professional skills, grammatical structure and key vocabulary.

Who are they designed for?

These courses are designed to give participants that boost which will make them more self-confident and willing to take risks. This allows them to become functional and better able to manage the situations they find themselves in, and to quickly transform their passive knowledge into active knowledge.

What are their objectives?

The main objectives of our intensive courses are for learners to have a positive experience of a foreign language and quickly feel at ease in an international situation.

Les gens discutent pendant que leurs notes et leurs stylos sont sur la table

Learn to interact in English
Take risks and increase confidence
Intensive training
Develop professional skills

Languages available

Languages available

La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d’action suivante :
actions de formation

Copyright Intercountry 2025 | Updated 3/2025